Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Digital Magazines - The Future of Publication

Digital Magazines and Digital Brochures are gaining much importance and popularity. Digital publications have infact provided the publishers with a number of benefits. It allows you to reach out to a global audience within seconds. Magazines of all kind prove to be much more effective when they take the digital route than the conventional mode of printing. The culture of ebooks, e-magazines and e-brochures is thus developing at a very fast pace. Many of these magazines and books are for free as well. You do not have to visit a book store or wait for your mail to get the copy of your publication as they are all available on internet. You can get on the internet and read or download them at your own convenience.

I myself has designed a digital magazine on Asian cooking. Asian food is spiecy and extraordinary because of its unique taste. Here is the front cover of my magazine....

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