Saturday, December 26, 2009

Movie Poster

These days I am working on my movie poster. My movie name is "OUTSIDE" and its genre is DRAMA. I am thinking about a story that explains the two different aspects of personality. A person who is totally different OUTSIDE the home. I am trying to display this story through a poster.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Visual Communication

Finally I am ready for my presentation of visual communication.. My topic is "Guidelines for selecting a Logo design". Very interesting but too broad.. there are alot of examples of different types of logos.. I want to put them all but I have only minutes to present it.. Text logos, symbol logos, combination logos, their properties and examples... hope it will be good. Well my favourit logo is ebay logo.. it is a text logo. It is colourfull and sounds good.. combination of red, blue, yellow and green is creating a good look. Logo is very simple and giving message to customers through its colours..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Research Method: Project ideas

In yesterday's class of research method, Dr. Waseem showed us some good projects to give us an idea that how to use your all skills to complete a project.. I liked mostly the project of photography. In this project students used several skills for one project.. Through these projects, now I have some idea that how to work and how to use the different skills which we are learning in different subjects.. Now I have a sketch in my mind for my final project..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Research Method

Research Ideas..
My area of interest is E-Learning.. My main focus is that is there any need to improve the process of e-learning and it there is so how the e-learning process could be facilitated using some of good practices and guidelines..

Internet Authoring

Website designing is very interesting for me.. and I am enjoying doing it.. I am designing website on "The poet and visionary of the East, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal". well it is a good practice.. at least I am confident now that I can design a website..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

E-books: An Example of Digital Media Technology

Hi guys... I picked e-books for Digital Media and Society assignment..
well according to my point of view: E-books has changed the style of reading but e-books have both advantaged and disadvantages. No doubt, the popularitry of e-books is increasing day by day but on the other hand printed books still have some future. As far as I am concerned, I personally prefer printed books because these are not harmful for eyes and I like the feeling of paper. I am sure that there are not less people with the same opinion. It is the new technology which force us to use e-books and make us feel that we need them. If we compare with past, surely printed books are going down day by day, but definitely they are not going to be dead.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

To Much assignments

Well.. in this week there are alot of assignments to complete... specially "Internet Programming and Dtatabase"... well I have just completed worksheet 2... well I am confused about Research Methode's Report... I didnt post much here due to a heavy load of assignments... well best of luck for my classmates...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adobe Releases Lightroom 3 Beta

Adobe has released an early public beta of Lightroom 3 on It should be noted this is an early beta and in no way feature complete. Below is the Adobe Press Release.
New Lightroom beta delivers faster performance, refined image processing and streamlined publishing
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Oct. 22, 2009 – Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today introduced Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 beta software for Macintosh and Windows, a public preview of new and improved functionality to be delivered in the next major release. Lightroom is the essential digital photography workflow solution, helping serious amateur and professional photographers quickly import, manage, enhance and showcase all their images from one application. Available as a free download on Adobe Labs, Lightroom 3 beta delivers a preview of new tools that will be in Lightroom 3, including more intuitive importing, unparalleled noise reduction and sharpening tools, enhanced slideshow capabilities and direct publishing to online photo sharing sites like Flickr. Adobe encourages photographers to test this early selection of new features and provide the product team with their feedback.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boy in balloon captivates news-hungry Web

Twitter was bombarded on Thursday afternoon by the shocking news that a six-year-old boy had climbed into a homemade hot-air balloon and taken off over Colorado--the microblogging service's timeline temporarily slowed to a crawl and its trending topics were filled with tags like Colorado, Denver, and #balloonboy.
He was never actually in the balloon, apparently: CNN reported later on Thursday that he was found, safe, hiding in a box in the attic of his family home.
Live video streams from news outlets' helicopters showed the saucer-shaped balloon speeding through the air and then making a relatively soft landing. But then those same news outlets began to report that there was no one inside--sparking even more debate and speculation on Twitter.
My colleague Stephen Shankland ran a test and found that in a 30-second span, 836 tweets mentioned the word "balloon."
The boy reportedly lives in Fort Collins, Colo., and the balloon was built by his parents, who are avid storm-chasers.
It surfaced somehow amid the Twittering mess that the family had appeared on reality show "Wife Swap," and a video of its three sons singing a rap song has begun to rack up views on YouTube (mildly not-safe-for-work due to lyrics).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

studying digital media

Well its hard to learn PHP. Visual communication is very interesting. its a graet website for the latest news in media. i always visit this site. well in this weekend there were alot of assignments to complete.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Digital Media

Digital media is making progress day by day. The coming society will be knowledge based and more practical. There are a lot of computer related jobs which were not available 30 years before. It is because of new technologies. here is a debate on digital media's future.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

About Digital Media

Digital media is creating a great impact on our lives. It is making our life easier and relaxed. We are heavily dependent on digital media devices. Digital media is playing an important roll in many aspects if life such as education, health, entertainment, business, employment, news and communication etc.

Role of Digital Media in Society

Learning is easier through internet now. Students can receive online lectures and they can get a lot of information about specific areas. Students can get registered to universities online and can get full information about courses offered. Multimedia projectors have improved the presentation style.
People can get information about health services. They can easily locate hospitals.
People can enjoy video games and a lot of entertainment through digital media. Video players are very common now. Mobile phones are also a source of entertainment.
Shopping is also easier through internet. People can do online shopping through internet. No need to go to market now. It is easy to introduce new products.
Through digital media it is easy for people to search for job vacancies and they can apply for jobs online.
Online journals are available. People can get latest news.
Communication is easier through digital media. People can share their thoughts, opinions and photos etc through blogs.