Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Digital Magazines - The Future of Publication

Digital Magazines and Digital Brochures are gaining much importance and popularity. Digital publications have infact provided the publishers with a number of benefits. It allows you to reach out to a global audience within seconds. Magazines of all kind prove to be much more effective when they take the digital route than the conventional mode of printing. The culture of ebooks, e-magazines and e-brochures is thus developing at a very fast pace. Many of these magazines and books are for free as well. You do not have to visit a book store or wait for your mail to get the copy of your publication as they are all available on internet. You can get on the internet and read or download them at your own convenience.

I myself has designed a digital magazine on Asian cooking. Asian food is spiecy and extraordinary because of its unique taste. Here is the front cover of my magazine....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Logo Assignment

I have designed a logo for my college's "Student Union Sports and Societies". This is one of the most interesting assignment that I enjoyed alot during my course. Interviews with client, collecting data and designing sketch are the key components of this assignment.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Film Poster

A story that shows two different faces of life. A man is totally different outside the home. In home he is very loving and caring husband and father. He is very polite and humble. He has two children and a beautiful wife. But on the other hand, he is opposite outside. He is a gangster. He earns money in bad ways. His family is unaware from his outside activities. Tragedy of life begins when his family becomes aware of his outside job. In the beginning of the film there is happiness but it ends on tragedy.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Movie Poster

These days I am working on my movie poster. My movie name is "OUTSIDE" and its genre is DRAMA. I am thinking about a story that explains the two different aspects of personality. A person who is totally different OUTSIDE the home. I am trying to display this story through a poster.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Visual Communication

Finally I am ready for my presentation of visual communication.. My topic is "Guidelines for selecting a Logo design". Very interesting but too broad.. there are alot of examples of different types of logos.. I want to put them all but I have only minutes to present it.. Text logos, symbol logos, combination logos, their properties and examples... hope it will be good. Well my favourit logo is ebay logo.. it is a text logo. It is colourfull and sounds good.. combination of red, blue, yellow and green is creating a good look. Logo is very simple and giving message to customers through its colours..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Research Method: Project ideas

In yesterday's class of research method, Dr. Waseem showed us some good projects to give us an idea that how to use your all skills to complete a project.. I liked mostly the project of photography. In this project students used several skills for one project.. Through these projects, now I have some idea that how to work and how to use the different skills which we are learning in different subjects.. Now I have a sketch in my mind for my final project..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Research Method

Research Ideas..
My area of interest is E-Learning.. My main focus is that is there any need to improve the process of e-learning and it there is so how the e-learning process could be facilitated using some of good practices and guidelines..