Saturday, December 26, 2009

Movie Poster

These days I am working on my movie poster. My movie name is "OUTSIDE" and its genre is DRAMA. I am thinking about a story that explains the two different aspects of personality. A person who is totally different OUTSIDE the home. I am trying to display this story through a poster.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Visual Communication

Finally I am ready for my presentation of visual communication.. My topic is "Guidelines for selecting a Logo design". Very interesting but too broad.. there are alot of examples of different types of logos.. I want to put them all but I have only minutes to present it.. Text logos, symbol logos, combination logos, their properties and examples... hope it will be good. Well my favourit logo is ebay logo.. it is a text logo. It is colourfull and sounds good.. combination of red, blue, yellow and green is creating a good look. Logo is very simple and giving message to customers through its colours..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Research Method: Project ideas

In yesterday's class of research method, Dr. Waseem showed us some good projects to give us an idea that how to use your all skills to complete a project.. I liked mostly the project of photography. In this project students used several skills for one project.. Through these projects, now I have some idea that how to work and how to use the different skills which we are learning in different subjects.. Now I have a sketch in my mind for my final project..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Research Method

Research Ideas..
My area of interest is E-Learning.. My main focus is that is there any need to improve the process of e-learning and it there is so how the e-learning process could be facilitated using some of good practices and guidelines..

Internet Authoring

Website designing is very interesting for me.. and I am enjoying doing it.. I am designing website on "The poet and visionary of the East, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal". well it is a good practice.. at least I am confident now that I can design a website..